domingo, 8 de junho de 2008

Lord K. Philipson fala dos Torture Division

Lord K. Philipson - que também é guitarrista na banda The Project Hate MCMXCIX - fala-nos do seu novo projecto, os Torture Division, e de como apenas querem fazer a música mais brutal à face da terra. Ah, e conhecem os Moonspell.

MP - Torture Division are a new band. Tell us a little bit about the band...
Lord K. Philipson - All necessary information can be found at, but in short; we are a bound to be legendary death metal act from Sweden rounded out by myself on guitar, Jörgen Sandström on vocals and bass and Vomitory's Tobben Gustafsson doing the blasts.

MP - What are your main goals as a band? LKP - To hand out the world's best death metal for free to everyfuckenone.

MP - When will you release your first LP? I've heard that Dan Swano will produce it... LKP - I don't think we want to record an album, we like this demo thing and too many shit bands releases albums these days anyways. Dan Swanö will mix our future demos and should we ever end up doing an album he'd mix it for sure.

MP - How did the oportunity of working with members of The Project Hate came up?
LKP - Since me and Jörgen play with TPH it was not too difficult to approach him with the idea of Torture Division. He's the world's best growler and we are the world's best death metal band, it's a match made in hell.

MP - Do you think that death metal is still an original musical style? Many people say that the scene is again saturated... Do you think you can bring something new to the scene?
LKP - We are not even remotely interested in bringing something new to the scene. We just wanna play brutal music and kick everyone's ass. Which is what we do.

MP- Can you give us some influences of your band?
LKP - Vomitory, Vicious Art and The Project Hate. That's everything we listen to.

MP - Do you know Portugal? Do you know portuguese bands? Will you ever consider coming here?
LKP - Is Moonspell from there? That's all I know if so. We'll come to your country if someone hands us a good deal. Hell, we'll play in your arsecrack should the deal be good enough.

MP - For bands that are starting now, do you have any advices?
LKP - Yeah, give up. You will never be as good as us anyways. And setting for second best is useless.

MP - Are there any bands - lately - that "make your heart beat fast"?
LKP - Nope. They all fucken suck.

MP - What are your projects for the main future?
LKP - To record more demos and get our asses out and play live. Download our stuff at the site and spread it like cancer.

Cheers, fuckos.

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